Binks Is Here

Commentary on the World

Frosh Week Is Tiring...

Moved in yesterday.

Last night was the leader “Send off” at Fed Hall.

This morning it was to muster at 8:00 AM; figure out team flags, cheers, etc.; then this afternoon (in the afternoon sun!) we had to learn the “Leaders Dance”; which must’ve taken two hours. Then went back and talked about the actual week in a room in AL.

It’s now 5:30 PM, I just got home and had a quick shower. Now I need to get a nap because I’ve got to be at SLC for 11:00 PM - 2 AM because I’m a driver for Safe Home tonight.

Then, I need to be at AL by 7:00 AM for breakfast, more dancing, more training.

Then the Frosh arrive at 9 AM.